A Comparative Analysis of Inland Fishing in Nigeria and Türkiye


  • Mehmet Fatih Huseyinoglu Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Kyrenia, Girne, Cyprus
  • Nihil Tola Anagara Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Kyrenia, Girne, Cyprus




Freshwater, Capture fishing, Mariculture, Fisheries


Fishing is an ancient activity with its involvement being traced back to the stone age; it is also an important economic activity in the nations of the world, supplying about 60% of the world’s protein as well as creating jobs and income revenue, especially in developing nations. Three sources of fishery exist in the world: inland, marine, and aquaculture. Global aquaculture being different from capture fisheries of marine and inland has experienced rapid growth in global fishery production since 2007, producing 85.5 million metric tons in 2021, with capture fishery producing 92.6 million metric tons. While different species of fish exist in the nation’s waters, only a few are of economic value, with most of the fish caught for food gotten from inland fishing, some are food for animals, also inland fishing of ancient times are for recreational purposes. This study focuses on drawing comparisons between inland fishing in Nigeria and Turkiye. Secondary quantitative method was used in the data collection process which was in the form of the scientific and common names of the fish species in the inland waters of the countries, their status/occurrence in the waters, their location(s), fishing practices of the countries and a ten- year rate of capture fishery production of the inland waters between the years 2011 and 2020. The inland fishing in both countries was compared based on these elements to conclude that just as the countries up for comparison are far apart based on their location (existing on two different continents), so is the inland fishing of both countries, having very few similarities. The inland fishing of both nations differs in great magnitude, having different kinds of species in their waters, as well as different fishing practices, and different rates of capture inland fishing production.


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How to Cite

Huseyinoglu, M. F. ., & Anagara, N. T. . (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Inland Fishing in Nigeria and Türkiye. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 8(1), 327–342. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7604022

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