Zoochosis: A short review on stereotypical behavior of captive animals
Tiresome, Behavior, CaptivityAbstract
Zoochosis is a stereotypical behavior of animals. It is commonly observed in captive animals. The stereotypic activities in animals are tiresome in conduct, consistent in practice, with no seeming goal or definite purpose. Common forms of Zoochotic conduct in captive conditions include head rolling, striding, extreme licking, hair or feather pulling, and outline swimming. Various studies that explained the effects of stimulus's expectedness on animal conduct and welfare have been inclined to manipulate certainty. Zoos play an animated part in wildlife and are ex-situ protection sites which are playing a lively part in wildlife supervision and protection. However, Zoo tourists might serve as an important cause of stress on captive animals. These stresses result in self-biting and hurting in captive animals which is comparable to self-injurious behavior (SIB) in humans. This review article would highlight the conditions of captive animals and analyze the factors that are directly affecting captive animals.
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